sudo rm /data/db/mongod.lock
sudo mongod --dbpath /data/db --repair
sudo mongod --dbpath /data/db
More:, July 9, 2013
Unclean shutdown detected after unexpected shutdown MongoDB
Friday, May 3, 2013
Replacing –, ’, etc with UTF-8 Characters in Ruby on Rails
It was getting cumbersome to update these non-utf8 compatible characters time to time!
substitutions = []
substitutions << ['…', '…'] # elipsis
substitutions << ['–', '–'] # long hyphen
substitutions << ['’', "'"] # curly apostrophe
substitutions << ['“', '"'] # curly open quote
klasses = {'Class1' => [:field1, field2], 'Class2' => [:field1, :field2]}
klasses.each_pair do |klass, fields|
klass = klass.constantize
klass.all.each do |obj|
fields.each do |field|
if obj.send(field).present?
substitutions.each do |set|
obj.send(field.to_s + '=', obj.send(field).gsub(set[0], set[1]))
# Don't fire callback
klass.skip_callback(:save, :after, :do_after_save_tasks)!
substitutions = []
substitutions << ['…', '…'] # elipsis
substitutions << ['–', '–'] # long hyphen
substitutions << ['’', "'"] # curly apostrophe
substitutions << ['“', '"'] # curly open quote
klasses = {'Class1' => [:field1, field2], 'Class2' => [:field1, :field2]}
klasses.each_pair do |klass, fields|
klass = klass.constantize
klass.all.each do |obj|
fields.each do |field|
if obj.send(field).present?
substitutions.each do |set|
obj.send(field.to_s + '=', obj.send(field).gsub(set[0], set[1]))
# Don't fire callback
klass.skip_callback(:save, :after, :do_after_save_tasks)!
Friday, April 26, 2013
How to put aptana launcher on Ubuntu dock
1. Create a file namely aptana3.desktop having:
3. Drag and drop to dock. Right click and lock to dock.
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Name[en_US]=Aptana Studio 3
Icon=/home/moin/Aptana\ Studio\ 3/icon.xpm
Comment=Aptana\ Studio\ 3
Exec=env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 /home/moin/Aptana\ Studio\ 3/AptanaStudio3 -application com.aptana.commandline.launcher.LauncherApplication "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
2. Make it
chmod +x /path/of/
aptana3.desktop3. Drag and drop to dock. Right click and lock to dock.
Monday, April 15, 2013
POST RAW JSON request with Basic Auth using Chrome Advance REST client
I was wondering how to POST a RAW JSON request with Basic Authentication for Advance REST client. I tried several permutation and combination and finally came up with exact way.
1. Somehow single quote did not worked for me.
2. Json in rails way( => ) would work.
3. user = {...} will work on www-form-url-encoded but not with json.
You might be getting JSON parse error even before request reach to controller!
1. Somehow single quote did not worked for me.
2. Json in rails way( => ) would work.
3. user = {...} will work on www-form-url-encoded but not with json.
You might be getting JSON parse error even before request reach to controller!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Write Rails3 gem
= Introduction
Creating Ruby gems has always been a bit of a pain. When you get right down to it, it's not a hard thing to do, but it's easy to forget how if you don't do it often enough. There are quite a few gems to help you write other gems, but if you're using Rails 3, there's already a gem on your system that does this: Bundler.
It will also generate a stub gem project for you, complete with Rakefile and directory structure.
The Rakefile is fully featured, and will create gem packages and publish them on
= Start
have account on github and
= Install bundler to manage building the gem
gem install bundler
= Create the initial gem layout
bundle gem iprocessor
~/workspace$ bundle gem ilinks
create iprocessor/Gemfile
create iprocessor/Rakefile
create iprocessor/LICENSE.txt
create iprocessor/
create iprocessor/.gitignore
create iprocessor/iprocessor.gemspec
create iprocessor/lib/iprocessor.rb
create iprocessor/lib/iprocessor/version.rb
bundle gem not only generate stub but also initialized Github Repo if you have Git configured already.
The bundle command also generated a Rakefile. This Rakefile is where you'll package and publish your gem. If you look in this file, you'll see that the actual tasks are buried in Bundler's code, but you can run a quick rake -T to get a list of tasks.
~/workspace/iprocessor$ rake -T
rake build # Build ilinks-0.0.1.gem into the pkg directory
rake install # Build and install iprocessor-0.0.1.gem into system gems
rake release # Create tag v0.0.1 and build and push iprocessor-0.0.1.gem to Rubygems
rake -T is self explanatory.
= Ddit ilinks.gemspec
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__)
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib)
require 'iprocessor/version'
require 'iprocessor/conf' do |gem| = "iprocessor"
gem.version = Iprocessor::VERSION
gem.authors = ["Moin Haidar"] = [""]
gem.description = %q{ Ruby Wrapper for Card Reader API }
gem.summary = %q{ Ruby Wrapper for Card Reader API }
gem.homepage = ""
# ensures that any files tracked in the git repo will be included.
gem.files = `git ls-files`.split($/)
gem.executables = gem.files.grep(%r{^bin/}).map{ |f| File.basename(f) }
#Files that are used for testing the gem. Supports TestUnit, MiniTest, RSpec, and Cucumber
gem.test_files = gem.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/})
#Directories within the gem that need to be loaded in order to load the gem.
gem.require_paths = ["lib"]
#Specify any dependencies here
gem.add_dependency 'httparty'
= Commit to the git repo
git add .
git push origin master
= Setup an .rvmrc for the directory
vim .rvmrc
rvm 1.9.3@iprocessor --create
= Install the gem
- To install in current gemset
rake install
- To install elsewhere
cd path_of_rails_app
rake build
gem install ../gemname/pkg/gemname
Note: Modification does not reflect when you build and install unless you stage it.
= rake release
Make sure to push the changes before release and change the version on further release to avoid error "This tag has already been committed to the repo."
~/workspace/iprocessor$ rake release
iprocessor 0.0.2 built to pkg/iprocessor-0.0.2.gem
Tagged v0.0.2
Pushed git commits and tags
Pushed iprocessor 0.0.2 to
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
An error occurred while installing pg (0.14.1), and Bundler cannot continue
Using 'pg' gem and getting mentioned error?
Grab these packages first:
sudo apt-get install postgresql
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
Now Go for bundle or gem install pg
Grab these packages first:
sudo apt-get install postgresql
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
Now Go for bundle or gem install pg
Monday, February 18, 2013
An error occurred while installing memcached (1.4.6), and Bundler cannot continue
Memcached needs following packages in order to install memcached gem.
Install the dependent packages:
apt-get install libmemcached-dev libsasl2-dev
apt-get install memcached
Now bundle or get it directly:
sudo gem install memcached –no-rdoc –no-ri
moin@haidar:~/workspace/kloud$ memcached -p 11211 &
[1] 29573
moin@haidar:~/workspace/kloud$ irb
1.9.3p385 :001 > require 'rubygems'
=> false
1.9.3p385 :002 > require 'memcached'
=> true
1.9.3p385 :003 > $cache ="localhost:11211")
=> #
1.9.3p385 :004 > target = {:first => 'Moin', :last => 'Haidar'}
=> {:first=>"Moin", :last=>"Haidar"}
1.9.3p385 :010 > $cache.set 'test', target
=> nil
1.9.3p385 :011 > $cache.get 'test'
=> {:first=>"Moin", :last=>"Haidar"}
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Incompatible JavaHL library loaded. 1.7.x or later required
apt-add-repository ppa:dominik-stadler/subversion-1.7
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
Alt-Tab does not switch Ubuntu 12.04
Fin Compiz Confg Manager
sudo find / -name compizconfig-settings-manager
Not Found?
Install Compiz Config Settings Manager:
sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
Then go to system tools > preferences > Compiz Config Manager
Select "Window Management Tab"
Check on "Application Switcher"
That's It.
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