In the next month, Google will introduce the +1 button and the personal recommendations to display ads. The +1 button will start to appear on AdSense for Content and AdSense for Mobile Content display ad formats like image, animated GIF and Flash. +1s will be an additional signal to determine the relevance of an ad, which in turn help to determine which ads should come to the fore.
As we know Google have already launched the +1 button on the Google search and publishing sites to make it easier for people to share and discover content across the web. Soon, users will be able to approve specific ads and makes the ads more likely to feel that their social relations. We believe these recommendations can help your readers notice ads on your site longer, which leads to higher returns.
The better part is that one can opt out the +1 button at ones will. To opt out of +1 features and annotations:
As we know Google have already launched the +1 button on the Google search and publishing sites to make it easier for people to share and discover content across the web. Soon, users will be able to approve specific ads and makes the ads more likely to feel that their social relations. We believe these recommendations can help your readers notice ads on your site longer, which leads to higher returns.
The better part is that one can opt out the +1 button at ones will. To opt out of +1 features and annotations:
- Sign in to your AdSense account.
- Visit the Allow & block ads tab.
- In the left panel, click Advanced settings.
- Select either Content, Mobile Content, or Mobile Content Apps from the Product drop-down.
- Click the block button in the Social Ads Preference section.