Go to services using
Start Menu => search "services" in search box, select and execute
just enter services.msc in search box hit enter
Find Internet Connection Sharing(ICS) and stop this service
Update device software n enjoy!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Stomp::Error::InvalidFormatreceive failed
I think stomp 1.1.6 having some bugs! I installed stomp 1.1.3 uninstalling 1.1.6 to get rid of this issue!
Though weird solution but it works for me!
Though weird solution but it works for me!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Install and setup PHPList
PHPList is an open-source newsletter manager, free to download, install and use. Follow this link to know more...
Here I'm trying to document how to set up PHPlist on Ubuntu that should work for other distributions with little modifications.
Now you should be on mysql command line as seen like this
Ooooo!!! You got an error like php not found! Okay lets install this package to get command line PHP.
+ indicates new addition
* indicates modified
Installed IMAP module for PHP bcoz phpList bounce processing connects to your mail server via a PHP module called IMAP.
Create tmp dir to ./var/www/mylists/ if not there.
#Change permission
root@moinhaidar:~# chmod -R 777 /var/www/mylists
#Restart server
root@moinhaidar:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Done Hit http://yourdomain.com/admin/
Got uninitialized database?
Hit initialized database link. It will populate your database(myphplist).
Cross check the database
Option 1 - internet site : Mail will be get read/delivered directly via SMTP
Here I'm trying to document how to set up PHPlist on Ubuntu that should work for other distributions with little modifications.
Setup Apache, PHP & MySQL:
Install Apache2 and PHP5apt-get install apache2 php5Following NEW packages will be installed
apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2.2-common libapache2-mod-php5 libapr1 libaprutil1 libexpat1 libmagic1 libpq5 libxml2 php5 php5-common ucfInstall MySQL that must be 3.23 or higher
aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysqlThe following NEW packages will be installed
apparmor apparmor-profiles libapache2-mod-auth-mysql libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libhtml-template-perl libmysqlclient15-dev libmysqlclient15off libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl libterm-readkey-perl mysql-client mysql-client-5.0 mysql-common mysql-server mysql-server-5.0 php5-mysql zlib1g-devYou will be also prompted to enter an admin password
Get strong one.
To check whether these packages installed or not, just fire
dpkg --get-selections dpkg -L php5|apache2|mysql-client-5.0To check whereabouts of MySQL
root@moinhaidar:~# find / -type d -name "mysql"It will give you sth like this...
/var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql/mysql /var/log/mysql /usr/lib/mysql /usr/lib/perl5/DBD/mysql /usr/lib/perl5/auto/DBD/mysql /usr/include/mysql /usr/share/mysql /etc/mysql
Setup Database
Lets login to mysql we just installedroot@moinhaidar:~# mysql -uroot -pEnter the password you fed while installation.
Now you should be on mysql command line as seen like this
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 1 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql>Create a database for PHPList namely myphplist
mysql> create database myphplist; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)Grant privileges
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON myphplist.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)Check that out
mysql> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | myphplist | | mysql | +--------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)Now its time to look into PHP installation. Create file say test.php using your favorite editor having
<?php phpinfo(); ?>Now fire root@moinhaidar:~# php test.php
Ooooo!!! You got an error like php not found! Okay lets install this package to get command line PHP.
apt-get install php5-cliSo far so good!
Configuring PHP to Work With MYSQL
Again fire root@moinhaidar:~# php test.php and look for extension_dir something like below.extension_dir => /usr/lib/php5/20060613 => /usr/lib/php5/20060613Now its time to find php.ini and get it configured...
find / -name php.iniOutput should sth like this
/etc/php5/cli/php.ini /etc/php5/apache2/php.iniOpen /etc/php5/cli/php.ini and search for extension_dir this should be sth like this
; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside. ;extension_dir =Uncomment if commented and set extension_dir what you find with root@moinhaidar:~# php test.php like
extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php5/20060613"
Setup PHPList
Get the latest version of PHPListwget http://sourceforge.net/projects/phplist/files/phplist-development/2.11.5/phplist-2.11.5.tgz/downloadCopy to appropriate loation, usually /var/www/ and untar/unzip whatever...
root@moinhaidar:~# mv phplist-2.11.5.tgz /var/www root@moinhaidar:~# tar -xvzf phplist-2.11.5.tgz root@moinhaidar:~# mv phplist-2.11.5 mylistsNow its time to configure ./mylist/config/config.php
[General settings for language and database] $database_host = "localhost"; $database_name = "myphplist"; $database_user = "root"; $database_password = "dbpassword"; $installation_name = 'Whatever';Lets create new site namely phplist
[Settings for handling bounces] $message_envelope = 'noreply@yourdomain.com'; $bounce_mailbox_user = 'noreply'; $bounce_protocol = 'mbox'; $bounce_mailbox = '/var/mail/noreply';
[Security related settings] $require_login = 1;
[Debugging and informational] define ("TEST",0); define('SEND_ONE_TESTMAIL',1);
root@moinhaidar:~# cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/phplistNow "vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/phplist" and get it configure...
+ indicates new addition
* indicates modified
+ ServerName yourdomain.com * ServerAdmin admin@yourdomain.com + ServerAlias *.yourdomain.com yourdomain.com * DocumentRoot /var/www/mylists #*Setting Off PHP safe mode in order to acheive bounce processing - site wise php_admin_flag safe_mode OffOkay, Now enable mylists site and disable default oneOptions FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all + DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
sudo a2dissite default sudo a2ensite listsNow Check "vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mylists", that should be same as sites-availabe one.
Installed IMAP module for PHP bcoz phpList bounce processing connects to your mail server via a PHP module called IMAP.
apt-get install php5-imap
#Create a temp dirCreate tmp dir to ./var/www/mylists/ if not there.
#Change permission
root@moinhaidar:~# chmod -R 777 /var/www/mylists
#Restart server
root@moinhaidar:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Done Hit http://yourdomain.com/admin/
Got uninitialized database?
Hit initialized database link. It will populate your database(myphplist).
Cross check the database
root@mail:~# mysql -uroot -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 15 Server version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.5 (Ubuntu) Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql> use myphplist; mysql> show tables; +----------------------+ | Tables_in_myphplist | +----------------------+ | admin | | admin_attribute | | admin_task |Done! Go to http://yourdomain.com/admin/?page=setup and setup remaining thing and enjoy!
Basic Mail Server Setup
Install follwing package choosing options...Option 1 - internet site : Mail will be get read/delivered directly via SMTP
Option 2 - mail.youdomain.com : FQDN
root@moinhaidar:~# aptitude install postfix telnet mailx postfix-mysqlConfigure /etc/postfix/main.cf adding followings
myhostname = mail.yourdomain.com myorigin = $mydomain mydestination = $mydomain, localhost.$mydomain, localhostEdit /etc/mailname and /etc/hostname having
mail.yourdomain.comEdit /etc/hosts having localhost localhost.localdomain server-ip mail.yourdomain.comReboot the system
sudo rebootAdd a user namely noreply
Setup Reverse DNS
Quick Test
mail email@yourdomain.com Subject: test email from yourdomain.com test body of the email. . Cc:No confirmation is given that the email has been sent but the logs will show the details.
Check the receiving email address and I hope you got expected!!! :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Open Social Ruby Wrapper 0.0.4 - NameError : uninitialized constant
NameError: uninitialized constant ActionController::AbstractRequest from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:440:in `load_missing_constant' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:80:in `const_missing' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/opensocial-0.0.4/lib/opensocial/auth/action_controller_request.rb:32 from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/opensocial-0.0.4/lib/opensocial.rb:19 from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `gem_original_require' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require'
OpenC:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\opensocial-0.0.4\lib\opensocial\auth\action_controller_request.rband resplace "proxies ActionController::AbstractRequest" with "proxies ActionController::Request" at Line 32
or more specifically
module OAuth::RequestProxy #:nodoc: all class ActionControllerRequest < OAuth::RequestProxy::Base # proxies ActionController::AbstractRequest if ActionController.const_defined?(:AbstractRequest) proxies ActionController::AbstractRequest else proxies ActionController::Request end #... #... end
name error,
open social
Saturday, August 21, 2010
OAuth Twitter API: Post message , status 401 Unauthorized
First thing first check out the access level. If its read only, fix it read and wirte both.
If its already read and write then most probably you are doing post having read and write access but authorization is still of read only. Follow this link to revoke the access and reauthorize it again.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Extending Contacts Gem to fetch LinkedIn contacts to invite
Deprecated owing to captcha fixation!
Do whatever way or find a simple cut & paste like solution here...
Extending Ruby on Rails Contacts Gem to invite Facebook users
Put linkedin.rb into "#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/contacts/lib/contacts"[Plugin] OR "#{GEM_PATH}/contacts-x.x.x/lib/contacts" containing...
Getting contacts gem to play as plugin make it easier to manipulate accordingly.Do whatever way or find a simple cut & paste like solution here...
Extending Ruby on Rails Contacts Gem to invite Facebook users
Put linkedin.rb into "#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/contacts/lib/contacts"[Plugin] OR "#{GEM_PATH}/contacts-x.x.x/lib/contacts" containing...
class Contacts class Linkedin < Base URL = "http://linkedin.com" LOGIN_URL = "https://www.linkedin.com/secure/login?trk=hb_signin" LOGIN_POST_URL = "https://www.linkedin.com/secure/login" HOME_URL = "http://www.linkedin.com/home" CONTACT_URL = "http://www.linkedin.com/dwr/exec/ConnectionsBrowserService.getMyConnections.dwr" REFERER_URL = "http://www.linkedin.com/connections?trk=hb_side_cnts" PROTOCOL_ERROR = "LinkedIn has changed its protocols, please upgrade this library." def real_connect data, resp, cookies, forward = get(LOGIN_URL) if resp.code_type != Net::HTTPOK raise ConnectionError, PROTOCOL_ERROR end postdata = "csrfToken=guest_token&session_key=#{@login}&session_password=#{@password}&session_login=Sign In&session_login=&session_rikey=" data, resp, cookies, forward = post(LOGIN_POST_URL, postdata, cookies) if data.index("The email address or password you provided does not match our records.") raise AuthenticationError, "Username and password do not match!" elsif data.index('Please enter your password') || data.index('Please enter your email address.') raise AuthenticationError, "Email or Password can not be blank!" elsif cookies == "" raise ConnectionError, PROTOCOL_ERROR end data, resp, cookies, forward = get(HOME_URL, cookies, URL) if resp.code_type != Net::HTTPOK raise ConnectionError, PROTOCOL_ERROR end @ajax_session = get_element_string(data,'name="csrfToken" value="','"') @logout_url = "https://www.linkedin.com/secure/login?session_full_logout=&trk=hb_signout" @cookies = cookies end def contacts raise ConnectionError, PROTOCOL_ERROR unless @ajax_session postdata = "callCount=1" postdata+= "&JSESSIONID=#{@ajax_session}" postdata+= "&c0-scriptName=ConnectionsBrowserService" postdata+= "&c0-methodName=getMyConnections" postdata+= "&c0-param0=string:0" postdata+= "&c0-param1=number:-1" postdata+= "&c0-param2=string:DONT_CARE" postdata+= "&c0-param3=number:500" postdata+= "&c0-param4=boolean:false" postdata+= "&c0-param5=boolean:true" postdata+= "&xml=true" data, resp, cookies, forward = ajaxpost(CONTACT_URL, postdata, @cookies, REFERER_URL) raise ConnectionError, PROTOCOL_ERROR if resp.code_type != Net::HTTPOK cr = /detailsLink=s\d+;(.*?)\.firstName=/ fr = /emailAddress=s\d+;var s\d+=\"(.*?)\";s\d+/ er = /var s\d+=\"(.*?)\";s\d+.emailAddress/ contacts = [] results = data.scan(cr) results.each do |result| result = result.to_s first_name = result.scan(fr).to_s email = result.scan(er).to_s contacts << [first_name, email] end logout return contacts end def logout return false unless @ajax_session if @logout_url && @cookies url = URI.parse(@logout_url) http = open_http(url) http.get("#{url.path}?#{url.query}", "Cookie" => @cookies ) return true end end private def ajaxpost(url, postdata, cookies="", referer="") url = URI.parse(url) http = open_http(url) resp, data = http.post(url.path, postdata, "User-Agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0", "Accept-Encoding" => "gzip", "Cookie" => cookies, "Referer" => referer, "Content-Type" => 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8' ) data = uncompress(resp, data) cookies = parse_cookies(resp.response['set-cookie'], cookies) forward = resp.response['Location'] forward ||= (data =~ /<meta.*?url='([^']+)'/ ? CGI.unescapeHTML($1) : nil) if(not forward.nil?) && URI.parse(forward).host.nil? forward = url.scheme.to_s + "://" + url.host.to_s + forward end return data, resp, cookies, forward end end TYPES[:linkedin] = Linkedin endRequire linkedin.rb into lib/contacts.rb
require 'linkedin'
Is it working?
Console>> Contacts::Linkedin.new('linkedin-id','password').contacts => [["User1", 'Email1'], ["User2", 'Email2'], ["User3", 'Email3']]Yes! :)
Contacts Gem,
Ruby on Rails
Twitter API And Extending Rails Contacts Gem To Invite Friends
Yet to install contacts gem?OR, how to get it to play as plugin?
Follow this link...
Extending Ruby on Rails Contacts Gem to invite Facebook users
Got through?
Put twitter.rb into "#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/contacts/lib/contacts" containing...
class Contacts class Twitter < Base URL = "http://twitter.com" LOGIN_URL = "http://twitter.com/account/verify_credentials." ONTACT_URL = "http://twitter.com/statuses/friends." DMESSAGE_URL = "http://twitter.com/direct_messages/new." LOGOUT_URL = "http://twitter.com/account/end_session." PROTOCOL_ERROR = "Twitter has changed its protocols, please upgrade this library." def real_connect format = 'xml' api_url = LOGIN_URL + format url = URI.parse(api_url) req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url.path) req.basic_auth(@login, @password) resp = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port).start {|http| http.request(req) } if resp.code_type == Net::HTTPUnauthorized raise AuthenticationError, "Username and password do not match!" elsif resp.code_type != Net::HTTPOK raise ConnectionError, PROTOCOL_ERROR end return true end def contacts format = 'json' api_url = CONTACT_URL + format url = URI.parse(api_url) req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url.path) req.basic_auth(@login, @password) resp = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port).start {|http| http.request(req) } if resp.code_type != Net::HTTPOK raise ConnectionError, PROTOCOL_ERROR end data = resp.body data = Contacts.parse_json(data) if data return [] if data.empty? contacts = [] data.each do |d| contacts << [d['name'],d['id']] end return contacts end def send_message(contact, msg, format = 'json') return "Direct Message must been less than 140 characters." if msg && msg.length > 160 return "Direct Message must have something in it..." if msg.nil? || msg.length < 1 api_url = DMESSAGE_URL + format url = URI.parse(api_url) req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url.path) req.basic_auth(@login, @password) req.set_form_data({'user' => contact.last, 'text'=> msg }, '&') resp = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port).start {|http| http.request(req) } return true if resp.code_type == Net::HTTPOK return false end def logout #... end end TYPES[:twitter] = Twitter endWe also need to pick appropriate JSON, if we are getting contacts in json format.
# Use ActiveSupport's version of JSON if available if !Object.const_defined?('ActiveSupport') require 'json/add/rails' end class Contacts def self.parse_json(string) if Object.const_defined?('ActiveSupport') && ActiveSupport.const_defined?('JSON') ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(string) elsif Object.const_defined?('JSON') JSON.parse(string) else raise 'Contacts requires JSON or Rails (with ActiveSupport::JSON)' end end endDon't forget to add this into lib/contacts.rb
require 'twitter'Done!
C:\Me\Workspace\contacts>ruby script/console Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.4) >> twitter=Contacts::Twitter.new('twitter-id','password') ... ... >> contacts = twitter.contacts => [["Jeremy Piven", 20221159], ["The Next Web", 10876852], ["bob saget", 38536306], ["Joel Stein", 24608680], ["Moin Haidar", 38841828]] >> contacts.each{|c|twitter.send_message(c, 'Your Message')}All should be well :)
Contacts Gem,
Ruby on Rails,
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